
NFT-bazaar and a social network rolled into one The place for you to stay, communicate, trade, and exchange digital content, including NFTs, on a trusted, private, and blockchain-based platform.

Bitorbit offers a simple and intuitive toolkit that allows any general user to mint, promote, sell, buy, and exchange digital content (photos, videos, audio, texts) in both the classic form and the form of NFT.


Bitorbit is a perfect meeting place for digital content creators, streamers, bloggers, artists, NFT-artists, collectors, and merchants. It is also a ready-made Web3.0 marketplace for game developers, creators of metaverses, NFT games, their followers and users.

We understood that, first of all, Bitorbit is a mobile platform, and therefore, when developing an identity, we need to focus on this aspect to make it convenient. Further points were also involved in the mobile application, so the selection of fonts, colors for the background, use of elements and their functionality played a leading role.

Based on the developed identity, a product presentation was created:

And of course the site. Our task was to create a simple, lightweight resource that demonstrates the product's advantages, so the mockup with the phone is placed on all blocks of the main page, and the text simply describes the functionality that is in the application.