Cripto is Fun

The guys from Crypto is Fun are the type of clients who are detached as possible and want something absolutely crazy, a little Degan, but no less cool.

The guys have been working with crypto for a long time, have many directions, but did not want to look conservative.

We immediately understood that the basis of the brand will be the perception of the crypto market as something fan, driving, and not just a set of technical analysis, numbers, and despair from lost chances :) “Crypto is fun” is a philosophy in which you look at trading as a fun tool, and not carry all your funds and your mother's money to the stock exchange.
Moreover, the young audience of subscribers of the founders directly asked to make such a brand, which is why we have a lot of jokes, crossed out words, emoticons, floating text and many other interesting things. Therefore, meet a brand that is really fascinating and with which you want to interact as a friend.

Well, let's show you what we've created

It all started with the fact that the client already had his own smiley that was used as a brand character. Our task was to create a light, fan-friendly logo based on this image, to make it easy to use, but memorable to the community. I suppose we created exactly one.
With regard to the color scheme, we had a primary color, yellow. The client likes this color very much and the task was to push away from it. In the image of our brand character, you can see black tones, so we added it with white as the main ones.
Next, pink and two shades of gray fit perfectly. As additional colors that are used mostly in media that have many elements, such as a presentation, we added green and blue.

In Typography, we united Montserrat and Inter.

Our brand is a combined system or how to combine many things so that everything suits others fot 100%.

As we wrote earlier, we already had a character, which we affectionately call “Chubby”. This young fellow is so fun, a little weird and trashy, that's the kind of system we've formed as a whole. There is a combination of many elements, starting with a floating type of title or drawing style chaotic elements next to or on top of the texts, ending with emoticons and characteristic blurs, and all this together creates a controlled chaos, which can be used by combining any element with another and it will look bomb.
The main thing that is transmitted in this identity is the fan and positive emotions. The very symbolic component and mission of the brand is to show crypto from the other side, from the side of the fan, analyzing coins not only as a technical monotonous process, but also as something not boring, and every detail of this branding fully conveys this mission.

As usual, a separate place in our branding is played by a complex SMM strategy with templates for managing social networks.

We had a clear communication strategy from the client and understood exactly how communication with the community would be conducted. In general, social networks in the crypto industry play a big role, therefore, when developing a complex brand for a crypto project, you cannot be sacrificed or given little attention to this aspect.
It's no secret that the field is very hyped and, in general, marketing activities of the 21st century are often tied to social engineering, trends, and have long since moved to a greater extent online, which is why we developed a strong strategy here for all networks for the client + templated all posts for different networks and messengers for convenient work in the future for the client in-house design team.
We use gradient headers, a particle from the logo as a symbol, different background shapes, a line of text, and our key object in the form of a 3D round shape that looks futuristic, but at the same time seems like something alive, pulsating.

As cryptans say: “Merch is never too much”.

In the future, the client plans to open a separate store with much more merch ideas, so there will be even more of it :)